Intervención de Regulación del Sistema Nervioso (Copy)
¿Ha experimentado una situación estresante que ahora se "inmiscuye" en su vida diaria? ¿Es posible que sienta malestar digestivo, dificultad para dormir, pensamientos intrusivos o pesadillas en torno a esta situación? Este Taller y Programa de Regulación del Sistema Nervioso calmará su sistema nervioso de forma natural.
El ASSYST (Estabilización del Síndrome de Estrés Agudo) es un protocolo basado en evidencia, creado por el Dr. Ignacio Jarero, efectivo para individuos y grupos que han vivido un evento traumático. Este trámite se puede realizar de forma presencial y online. También se puede utilizar con personas preocupadas por un evento potencialmente traumático, como un terremoto. Se puede hacer poco después del evento o más adelante.
Te sentirás más tranquilo y relajado al final de la intervención. ¡Y normalmente tarda menos de una hora! Seguimos un guión específico mientras haces estimulación bilateral. Para unirte a nosotros haz clic AQUI.

Nervous System Regulation Intervention (Copy)
Have you experienced a stressful situation that is now "intruding" in your daily life? You might be feeling digestive upset, have difficulty sleeping, intrusive thoughts or nightmares around this situation? This Nervous System Regulation Workshop and Program will calm your nervous system naturally.
The ASSYST (Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization) is an evidence-based protocol, created by Dr. Ignacio Jarero, effective for individuals and groups that have experienced a traumatic event. This procedure can be done in person and online. It can also be used with individuals worried about a potentially traumatic event, such as an earthquake. It can be done soon after the event or later on down the line.
You will feel more calm and relaxed by the end of the intervention. And it usually takes less than an hour! We follow a specific script while you do bilateral stimulation.

Intervención de Regulación del Sistema Nervioso
¿Ha experimentado una situación estresante que ahora se "inmiscuye" en su vida diaria? ¿Es posible que sienta malestar digestivo, dificultad para dormir, pensamientos intrusivos o pesadillas en torno a esta situación? Este Taller y Programa de Regulación del Sistema Nervioso calmará su sistema nervioso de forma natural.
El ASSYST (Estabilización del Síndrome de Estrés Agudo) es un protocolo basado en evidencia, creado por el Dr. Ignacio Jarero, efectivo para individuos y grupos que han vivido un evento traumático. Este trámite se puede realizar de forma presencial y online. También se puede utilizar con personas preocupadas por un evento potencialmente traumático, como un terremoto. Se puede hacer poco después del evento o más adelante.
Te sentirás más tranquilo y relajado al final de la intervención. ¡Y normalmente tarda menos de una hora! Seguimos un guión específico mientras haces estimulación bilateral. Para unirte a nosotros haz clic AQUI.

Nervous System Regulation Intervention English
Have you experienced a stressful situation that is now "intruding" in your daily life? You might be feeling digestive upset, have difficulty sleeping, intrusive thoughts or nightmares around this situation? This Nervous System Regulation Workshop and Program will calm your nervous system naturally.
The ASSYST (Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization) is an evidence-based protocol, created by Dr. Ignacio Jarero, effective for individuals and groups that have experienced a traumatic event. This procedure can be done in person and online. It can also be used with individuals worried about a potentially traumatic event, such as an earthquake. It can be done soon after the event or later on down the line.
You will feel more calm and relaxed by the end of the intervention. And it usually takes less than an hour! We follow a specific script while you do bilateral stimulation. To join us click HERE

Nervous System Regulation Intervention
Have you experienced a stressful situation that is now "intruding" in your daily life? You might be feeling digestive upset, have difficulty sleeping, intrusive thoughts or nightmares around this situation? This Nervous System Regulation Workshop and Program will calm your nervous system naturally.
The ASSYST (Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization) is an evidence-based protocol, created by Dr. Ignacio Jarero, effective for individuals and groups that have experienced a traumatic event. This procedure can be done in person and online. It can also be used with individuals worried about a potentially traumatic event, such as an earthquake. It can be done soon after the event or later on down the line.
You will feel more calm and relaxed by the end of the intervention. And it usually takes less than an hour! We follow a specific script while you do bilateral stimulation.